CQ WPX CW 2023 Raw Scores
Norske raw scores: https://cqwpx.com/raw.htm?mode=cw®=LA
Alle raw scores: https://cqwpx.com/raw.htm?mode=cw
Norske raw scores: https://cqwpx.com/raw.htm?mode=cw®=LA
Alle raw scores: https://cqwpx.com/raw.htm?mode=cw
Del to omhandler bla om hvorvidt SOA og SO bør kombineres til en klasse i stedet for å være to separate. http://cqww.com/blog/2015-cq-ww-survey-results-part-2/
Dear all, The Scandinavian Activity Contest website http://www.sactest.net is now back online. Please go ahead and upload your logs to the customary log robot at http://www.sactest.net/robot/. As previously mentioned, the SAC CW log submission deadline has been extended to Sunday 2nd October, 23:59 UTC. Thanks to the almost 200 persons who submitted their logs to…
We are now pleased to announce the final results of the Scandinavian Activity Contest 2014, after a number of adjustments to the preliminary results were made during the five-day review period. We’d like to thank you for your observations, and will continue to work on improving the log checking process and the clarity of the…
Her der de norske resultatene for ARRL RTTY Roundup 2016. Flere resultater fra ARRL RTTY Roundup finner du på ARRL.org
Også her ble noen gamle rekorder slått og noen ferske kom til. Sjekk de norske CQ WPX rekordene her
The CQ WW Contest Committee takes its job as referee for the contest very seriously. Each year a group of dedicated members spends many hours pouring over logs, listening to SDR recordings, and following up on input from the contest community. We do not always have perfect information and it is difficult when each entrant…